Sunday, 5 July 2015

Under 15 Minutes: Tomato Pasta Stars with Tuna

In a rush, and haven't been to the shops lately? Here is another EasyDairyFree Fifteen minutes or less meal: 

Note - this recipes assumes that you have made the "Creamy" tomato sauce, find the recipe here

3 cubes of frozen pasta sauce
50g pasta stars
1/2 tin tuna in spring water (Not brine as this will be too salty)

Just defrost some frozen pasta sauce cubes and cook some pasta - quick and easy! 

1. Cook the pasta as per instructions in a pan of unsalted boiling water. 
2. Defrost the pasta sauce cubes in the microwave or another saucepan until piping hot. 
3. Drain the pasta, stir in the sauce and add 1/2 tin tuna. 
4. Check the temperature before serving. 

Top Tips
If you want to make this more of a finger food, then cook a small handful of fusilli pasta instead. Baby can get stuck in on their own! 

Why not try adding a small handful of frozen veg (cooked obviously!) to add a bit more colour and taste to the dish?

Find the recipes for other Under 15 Minute Meals by clicking on the pictures below:

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